Building & Implementing Leadership & Governance skills

Code of Conduct

To enable members to conduct themselves properly in the performance of their professional duties, the Institute is obliged to provide a Code of Professional Conduct to lay down, both for its members and for the general public, the ethical standards by which its members should abide by. The code will apply to all its members, irrespective of their grade, the professional role they fulfill and the country in which they practice. The code contains, first of all, the specific rules of conduct to which members must adhere to.

The rules cover, in plain language, those basic things that members must do. Where appropriate, there are Guidance Notes to help members interpret and apply the rules. The Guidance Notes do cover the main areas of professional activity in which members are likely to be involved in. An act which seriously breaches one of the Guidance Notes will probably breach the Rule for Professional Conduct to which the Guidance Note applies.

The Code of Professional Conduct:

  1. Responsibility and duties
    Members shall take personal responsibility for the reasonably foreseeable consequences of any actions or omissions arising from the discharge of their duties.
  1. Performance of duties
    Members shall, to the best of their ability:
  1. Carry out the duties of the office efficiently, effectively and honestly;
  2. Carry out the duties of the office in a transparent and accountable manner;
  3. Keep accurate records and documents relating to the functions of the office
  1. Professionalism
    Members shall:
  1. Carry out the duties of their office in a manner that maintains public confidence in the integrity of the office;
  2. Treat members of the public, staff and others with courtesy and respect;
  3. Not discriminate against any person, except as is expressly provided by the law
  1. Financial Probity
    Members shall:
  1. Not use his or her office to unlawfully or wrongfully enrich himself or herself or any other person;
  2. Subject to Article 60(2)(a) of the Constitution, which states that, Members shall not accept a personal loan or benefit which may compromise him/her in carrying out his or her duties;
  3. Not:
    1. Evade paying taxes
    2. Neglect his/her financial obligations
  1. Moral and ethical requirements
    Members shall observe and maintain the following ethical and moral requirements:
  1. Demonstrate honesty in the conduct of his or her public and private affairs;
  2. Not to engage in activities that amount to abuse of office;
  3. Accurately and honestly present information to the public;
  4. Not engage in wrongful conduct in furtherance of personal benefit;
  5. Not misuse public resources;
  6. Not falsify any records
  1. Gifts or benefits in kind
    Members shall not:
  1. Accept or solicit gifts, hospitality or other benefits from a person who;
    1. Is under investigation;
    2. Has a contractual relationship with the Ministry/Organisation;
    3. Has any interest that is directly or indirectly connected with the his/her duties
  2. Receive a gift which has the potential of compromising his or her integrity, objectivity or impartiality; or
  3. Accept any type of gift expressly prohibited under the Act.
  1. Wrongful or unlawful acquisition of property
    Members shall not use the office to wrongfully or unlawfully acquire or influence the acquisition of property.
  1. Conflict of interest
    Members shall use the best efforts to avoid being in a situation where his or her personal interests conflict or appear to conflict with his/her official duties.
